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PKL Injection V3.8 - 28 Desember 2010

Release PKL_injection V 3.8 + Penambahan Fitur Baru

Download : PKL_injection V 3.8

Cara Pakai :
1.Buka PB Launcher
2.Buka PKL_injection v 3.8
3.Start PB nya

Fitur PKL_Injection V3.8

[*] F1 = Bomberman ON (tdk perlu OFF tdk akan BT)
[*] F2 = Bomberman OFF
[*] F3 = Wallshot ON
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimize) tahan sangat lama di desktop no BT !!!

[*] F10 = Viper/Hide Helm +++
[*] F11 = Kuli Beras/Beruang.Kutub Helm +++
[*] F12 = Reset Char

[*] NUMPAD 1 = Baret SG
[*] NUMPAD 2 = Baret Sniper
[*] NUMPAD 3 = Baret Assault
[*] NUMPAD 4 = Baret Pistol
[*] NUMPAD 5 = Baret SMG
[*] NUMPAD 6 = Baret Item
Fitur tambahan

[*] HOME = Title Hack
[*] END = HACK Rank/Poin/Cash
[*] DELETE = Spion Mode
[*] F7 = Quick Exit Game

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